FairTrade Designers was formed in 2007. Its members are Pil Bredahl, Liselotte Risell & Henriette Melchiorsen who all graduated from The Danish school of Art and Design, as industrial designers. We work with small and large companies. Organizations, both NGO´s, private and others, Schools and Academies, Ministries and Governments. We do field work, designing, planning and concepts – please feel free to contact us with a proposal for cooperation.


Our vision is to use design and craft for global and social leverage. FairTrade Designers collaborate with craftspeople in the Third World in an effort to merge their crafts with Danish design and innovation processes. We want to modernize traditional crafts and there by fostering sustainability for all participants.


FairTrade Designers works with both development of products for the mass market as well as limited editions. We also work with strategy, identity and product development for other businesses. We give lectures and provide both conceptual and specific consulting for businesses that either have Fair Trade credentials, or wish to gain such. In close collaboration with artists/handicrafts people in developing countries,  Fair Trade Designers  works to develop design and innovate the production of them. We seek to connect our methodical design process with local art craft skills, traditions and culture. So, the design result of our joint projects, have the ability to survive in a commercial market and thus create an economic foundation that can enhance the local arts craft life. This way we can be part of creating co-operations crossing countries, cultures and economy, and hereby help poor manufactories make professional contacts in the west.


FairTrade Designers is at the same time a vision of creating a global network of designers and manufactures, who, through collaboration might inspire each other, while sharing experience and ideas concerning sustainable design projects. Our idea of a network is both about meeting people, exchanging knowledge, services and economy, and the possibility as a community to develop and improve our world.


The aim is to develop fair trade projects, and sustainabil productions, that will educate and secure decent income and working conditions for all participants. In that way we’ll all make the most of global consumerism.


  1. Bonnie

    Kære Fairtraders

    I forbindelse med et 5 kamps stævne jeg skal afholde i Bangkok til februar, hvor det overordnet tema er Fair play – Play fair, vil jeg gerne ha’ fat i to af de fine fair play puder I har lavet, som jeg vil bruge som præmier. Hvordan får jeg fat i dem?
    Med venlig hilsen Bonnie

  2. Anders Faaborg Poulsen

    Til Fairtrade Designers,
    Jeg skriver på vegne af min datter Nicoline, som er 16 (snart 17) år og går i FNs Internationale Skole her i Hanoi, Vietnam (jeg skriver på hendes vegne da hun efter et helt skoleliv på internationale skoler pt har begrænsede danskkundskaber).
    Hun vil være færdig med sin International Baccelaureate (IB) til Juni 2012 (svarende til en Dansk Studentereksamen), hvorefter hun er meget interesseret i at videreuddanne sig indenfor design (hun tager i øjeblikket ’Arts & Design’ på højniveau på IB uddannelsen). Denne interesse er i høj grad inspireret af hendes multi-kulturelle erfaring fra de mange lande hun har boet i – og internationale skoler hun har gået på – samt ikke mindst hendes egen ”fler-kulturelle” baggrund (hendes mor er fra Papua Ny Guinea). Hendes familiebaggrund har naturligvis osse resulteret i en forståelse for udviklingsproblematikker, inklusive bæredygtighed, social ansvarlighed og fairtrade.

    For at få en fornemmelse for hvad en uddannelse indenfor design kan bruges til i den retning, vil hun gerne besøge (og eventuelt ’prøve sig selv af’) i et aktivt designmiljø i Danmark, eventuelt i forbindelse med sin sommerferie i juni-august 2011. Jeg vil derfor gerne høre om det vil være muligt for hende at besøge jer i denne periode og få en snak om dette? Hvis I eventuelt har en lille specifik opgave i denne forbindelse som hun kan udføre, er hun osse meget interesseret i dette??

    Hvis der er interesse for ovennævnte, vil Nicoline meget gerne kommunikere direkte selv – det bliver i så fald på Engelsk!

    Med venlig hilsen,

    Anders Faaborg Poulsen
    Danida, Vietnam

  3. hello,
    can we have the wholesale prices of your items? we have an high end fair trade shop in antwerp. thx

  4. Hej. Vi mødtes på Formland og talte om at mødes om et evt. samarbejde med udvikling af puder og måske andre produkter. Jeg importerer batik fra Ghana og har interesse i at udvikle flere produkter af batik. Vil I foreslå et par datoer for et møde. Er der noget jeg skal forberede mig på inden mødet?
    Tillykke med et vellykket Formland. Det gik også fint for mig.
    b’fair hilsner Birte

  5. I am an artisan, designer and am going to Uganda to work with a couple of groups of women. I will be teaching and designing items to be sold in the Fair Trade markets. I have been in touch with a US Fair Trade wholesaler who is interested in the crafts. As a designer and paying my way and stay in Uganda how could I compensate myself and insure that I will be able to return to Uganda. I was thinking 10% of the amount the women are given and an extra 10% from the wholesaler. I am going to Uganda in a few days and spending around $5,000 on the trip.
    Thank you for any help with this,

    Paivi Jackon in B.C. Canada

  6. Hej Anders Faaborg
    Jeg så dit TV program i aften og jeg mener at jeg ville kunne lave nogle spenden ting sammen med dig
    mit nr er +4552501904

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