Henriette Melchiorsen


Henriette Melchiorsen er uddannet på Danmarks Designskole med afgang som produkt- og møbeldesigner fra Industrielt Institut i 1994. Har siden skolen arbejdet med både kommercielle opgaver til massemarkedet, samt eksperimenterende designprojekter, der har været udstillet både herhjemme og i udlandet.

Se mere på www.designpoesi.dk






  1. tabiri

    hello Henriette, i’ve seen your article on the blog just now and we appreciate it.

  2. Pingback: Fair Trade Designers |

  3. I would like to know where I can buy the small polished salt dispenser. I ordered two from Holland, thinking they were the small ones, but they have the size of pentanque balls – beautiful though. Now I want the small size.

  4. henriette

    Lucien did you get my message?

  5. Luna

    Dear Henriette,
    I manage a museum shop in Italy and would like to carry your “Splash” bowls. Can you tell me the name of the company I should contact to have product please.

    • henriette

      Dear Luna
      The ‘Rubber Vase’ is produced by the Danish designcompany Menu.as.
      Please try at:

      Phone: +45 4840 6100
      Fax: +45 4840 6101
      Email: info@menu.as
      – And if non of this works, please contact me again.

      Best Henriette

  6. Eugen Irniger

    Hello from Switzerland,
    Your lovely little aroma-lamp produced by Menu is not available anymore, it’s a pity, what is the problem.
    Do you know where I could get one?
    Thanks for a reply and all the best

  7. henriette

    Dear Eugen
    Nice to hear you like it.
    Menu like to change products often and I assume that is the reason for them to stop selling the lamp. But maybe they still sell it in Norway, where I was told it is very popular, or maybe they can direct you to a webshop where it is still sold.
    If you feel like it, please try to contact the Menu office.
    Find contact info here:

    Good luck
    Best regards

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